Our Community Agreements
Honor our healing.
We acknowledge that white body supremacy exists and that our words and actions are dedicated to the reduction of the racial health disparity and toward the healing of the Black community.
Respect our intersectionality.
Recognize that none of us are just one thing. Our identities are made up of a multitude of truths and experiences that cannot be defined by one word.
Take space and make space.
This may be the first time that you have centered your “self” - which is made up of your mind, body, soul, spirituality, and identity - own it and cherish it. When you have the opportunity, encourage others to do the same.
Lean in.
Whether you are seeking to learn more about yourself, challenging a new point of view, or run into an unexpected challenge in and out of Reviving Roots, embrace it and center the idea of learning.
Speak your truth.
Remain honest with yourself and others, honor your perspective, and speak from what you know - together, we’ll continue to learn.
Be open.
When you approach others with openness, you are setting the stage for healing. If a mistake is made, accountability and understanding from all parties are key to growth.
Uphold confidentiality.
Respect the privacy of others and unless agreed upon, refrain from sharing the personal information of others outside of conversations or sessions at Reviving Roots.
Give feedback.
We want to continue growing Reviving Roots and reaching our community in meaningful ways, your unique voice is a part of that.
Trust the journey.
Know that health and wellness are not linear. The journey is sometimes uncomfortable or uncertain but we’ll keep working towards flourishing unapologetically.
Be present.
Self-growth cannot be achieved if you do not show up to do the work.