Celebrate Yourself this Summer.

We have finally emerged from the cold embrace of a dark winter into the enchanting warmth of summer. Those of us living in regions with significantly shorter daylight hours during winter may find ourselves tucked away all winter for reflection, nourishment, and preparation for the vibrant season ahead.  For those of us with beautiful melanated skin, the lack of sunlight and shorter days can lead to vitamin D deficiency, impacting our sleep cycle, bone density, and mood[x]. As the sun graces us with longer and brighter days, we can't help but notice a significant shift in our moods. You've conquered numerous obstacles and built a remarkable life, now it's time to love living it. 

Schedule self-care. The transition from the dark and chilly days of winter to the summer heat is our time to shine but summer weather still takes a toll on our minds and bodies. It is crucial to be mindful of our mental wellbeing. Extended exposure to heat can lead to sleep problems, fatigue, reduced appetite, and dehydration, which can contribute to aggressive behavior and anxiety. Research by the American Physiological Society has shown that stress hormone levels tend to be higher in summer than in winter[x]. To maintain good mental wellbeing during this season, it is crucial to take a proactive approach. The term "self-care" is commonly used but have you figured out what it means for you? Let's embark on a delightful exploration of self-care and discover the practices that bring you joy, peace, and a sense of fulfillment. 

Honor your needs first. Amidst the hustle and bustle of this season's responsibilities, joyful gatherings, and outdoor activities have you carved out time for your own well-being? If an invitation feels overwhelming, it's perfectly alright to graciously decline and explain that you need this time for self-care[x]. True loved ones will understand and support your decision wholeheartedly. Amidst your responsibilities, find moments of joy and wonder. Take time to identify your goals and tackle them with dedication. By caring for your future self and prioritizing your growth, you can fully savor the leisurely moments when they arrive.

Discover your motivations. Rather than being driven solely by fear or the threat of failure, consider what truly ignites your passion. Seek experiences that spark joy and interactions that bring a smile to your face. While life may not always be filled with constant laughter, the promise of happiness in the future can help navigate challenging times in the present. When you find yourself completely unmotivated, pause to celebrate yourself and all your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. You've come this far, and your commitment to personal growth deserves recognition. Cherish the moments when you pushed through adversity and discomfort to keep moving forward.

Celebrate your wins. I’m proud of you for reading this far into this blog post. It shows that you are seeking knowledge and invested in your growth. It is okay to celebrate yourself and all your wins big or small. Consider all the moments you pushed through adversity and discomfort to keep pushing toward your goals. After all you’ve made it this far and at some point you should enjoy the life you’ve made. 

As you navigate this season of celebrations and obligations, don't forget, self-care is more than talk therapy and self-reflection. Rediscover the value of leisure and incorporate it into your schedule. Take a walk with a dear friend, shake your hips at our dance fitness class with Kiki on Thursdays, or treat yourself to a hilarious comedy show. Indulge in a massage at Reviving Roots, listen to an audiobook while tidying up, or unleash your inner superstar while belting out your favorite tunes during your morning routine. It's also perfectly okay to embrace the art of doing nothing and savor the moments of pure relaxation. Remember, you deserve this time for yourself, and it's time to stop rescheduling self-care—let it take center stage in your life.


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